November 12, 2013

Massachusetts #1 on Energy Efficiency - 3rd year in a row

Massachusetts has done it again. For the third year in a row, the state has won the coveted top spot on the annual energy efficiency state scorecard released by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
Coming in a close second was California, followed by New York, Oregon and Connecticut.
Massachusetts has held onto its lead due in large part to the continued implementation and growth of the programs put in place in 2008 with the passage of the Green Communities Act. This landmark law required utilities to increase investment in energy efficiency measures, mandated the design and implementation of three-year energy efficiency plans for gas and electric utilities, required that 15 percent of electricity be supplied by new renewable power facilities by 2020, established a pilot program for utilities to enter into long-term contracts with renewable energy developers and encouraged green building design through updated codes, training, and assistance.
The ACEEE state energy efficiency scorecard grades states based on six policy areas: utility and "public benefits" programs, transportation policies, building energy codes and compliance, combined heat and power policies, appliance and equipment standards, and state government-led initiatives around energy efficiency.

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