February 16, 2008

EcoMoms - Saving the Earth starting at Home

This is an interesting article from the NY Times.

Is the to-do list of preparing waste-free school lunches; lobbying for green building codes; transforming oneself into a "locovore," eating locally grown food; and remembering not to idle the car when picking up children from school a bit overwhelming?

The EcoMom Alliance is here to help!

Their theme - Sustain Your Home, Sustain Your Planet, Sustain Your Self

Women have been instrumental in the environmental movement from the start, including their involvement in campaigns a century ago to save the Palisades along the Hudson River and sequoias in California and, more recently, Lois Gibbs's fight against toxic waste at Love Canal.
In public opinion surveys, women express significantly higher levels of environmental concern than men, said Riley Dunlap, a professor of sociology at Oklahoma State University.

Lately "local lifestyle activism," much of it driven by women, has been on the rise and is likely to continue, Dr. Dunlap said.

Members of the EcoMom Alliance "are fighting a values battle," said Tim Kasser, the author of "The High Price of Materialism." "They are ...trying to figure out how to create a life more oriented toward intrinsic values."

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