This is a really great presentation on the value of investing in energy efficiency.
Van Jones steps on stage at 6:30 minutes. He has a few introductory remarks and then starts the main part of his talk at 9:45 minutes in this video. Starting at about 12:00 minutes he is absolutely superb.
He contrasts the sexy dollars spent on renewable energy with what he calls the "humble hard working energy efficiency dollars"
He talks about how a humble hard working dollar invested in energy efficiency does many things.
That energy efficiency dollar creates jobs, cuts unemployment and poverty.
That same dollar lowers a homeowner's energy bill by as much as 30%,
That same dollar lowers the aggregate demand for energy, and if we upgrade enough homes, that work will lower the overall price for energy,
That same dollar reduces green house gases, reduces pollution, which results in less asthma,
That same dollar makes the homeowner's home more valuable, because a drafty home is worth less than a well insulated home,
That same dollar invested in energy efficiency pays for itself in 2 to 4 years – we are now recycling dollars, we are now creating new dollars,
That's what happens when you invest a dollar in energy efficiency.
Very inspiring.
His presentation concludes at 19:40